Porcupine [WI] / Varma Cross / Deco Auto
We are stoked to have Porcupine from Wisconsin coming through! They are traveling to Arizona and California to play a few...
We are stoked to have Porcupine from Wisconsin coming through! They are traveling to Arizona and California to play a few...
AWESOME HIP HOP FOUR HEADED THURSDAY with Scotty Wu + Nakama Music Group, JusWit, Ajay, & Left E. Grove!! Scotty Wu...
Join us for this rocking Matinee with The Mad Kings and Vedettes!! 6-9PM! The Mad Kings: "Rock, blues, punk, indie" https://www.facebook.com/themadkingsinnolaw/...
THEODORE CALE SCHAFER (On tour from Santa Fe, NM)https://theodoreschafer.bandcamp.com/ https://www.tinymixtapes.com/artists/theodore-cale-schafer https://soundcloud.com/theodoreschafer https://www.discogs.com/artist/4042361-Theodore-Schafer Bath Consolidated : https://soundcloud.com/bathconsolidated https://www.facebook.com/bthcnsldtd/ MDO (first live set):...
The Bando Boys are back on the patio with the most hype dance party in LFK for Black Friday! https://www.facebook.com/1990yung/
DJ Johnny Quest spinning on The Patio!! Come Party!
Let's welcome Florea from Colorado to Lawrence for the first time! 40 Watt Dreams is going to be opening the Matinee...
Local sweethearts Toughies are headlining this week's Three Headed Thursday, with CS Luxem, & Colin Haliburton from The Roseline <3 3...
We are very excited to have Daniel A Hoyt do a special reading for us from his new book "This Book...
We are so amped for this killer show! The Philistines are going to be rocking the house down, along with Stone...
DJ Joey Chingasos - on the Patio!
DJ Furst Bass - "The Box Set" on the Patio! Enjoy vintage dance tunes from the 60s, 70s, & 80s. We...